While we don’t have an inbound support phone number, we do call customers when it helps. But first we want to make sure that we have the right person looking into your question, and they have all the necessary information – so you’re not waiting on hold or being passed around departments. When you raise a case you can request a call, or we’ll ask for your phone number if we think talking to you directly will help.

If you’re used to emailing us when you need help, you will now receive a reply asking you to log in with your Xero credentials and raise a case in Xero Central. If you are still unable to resolve your query with the resources provided, scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the “I still need help” button. After your case is resolved – we’ll ask you for feedback, and please do let us know how you rate your experience. We’re constantly evolving and looking at how we can improve, so we appreciate it when you tell us what’s going well, and what could be better next time. Join our team of the world’s best thinkers, creators and educators who are changing the way small business is done globally. Find out more about working at Xero or send an email to and someone from the talent team will get in touch.

Got a business and interested in Xero?

If the support articles don’t have the information you need, scroll to the bottom of the article and you’ll find the option to contact Xero support. Here you can fill out a form that is sent to the customer experience team who will triage it and assign it to the next available specialist with the right skills to help you. Most of our customer experience specialists have a degree-level accounting background so you can be assured that they have the technical knowledge to help with your case.

When you sign up for a Xero plan, you are eligible for free, unlimited support 24/7 from Xero. In this guide, we will be showing you how you can contact Xero Support directly and get your questions answered by the Xero team. The first port of call for getting support with any of Xero’s business or practice products is Xero Central, where you’ll find online help, online learning, and discussions.

Xero phone support

It also allows us to keep improving the support we offer in Xero Central – so you can continue to count on a great experience and excellent customer service from Xero. Since 26 Jan 2019 (25 Jan in the US), the new secure and more beautiful way to contact Xero support has been via Xero Central. You can get there by clicking the help icon in your Xero product, or by going directly to Xero Central from any device. That includes from Xero business edition, Xero Expenses, Xero Payroll, Xero Projects and Xero HQ.

  • You are also able to look back on your conversations with our support team, and share information with other users from the organisation linked to the case.
  • With this invite, you give Xero support access to your practice organisation only.
  • Find out more about working at Xero or send an email to and someone from the talent team will get in touch.
  • While we don’t have an inbound support phone number, we do call customers when it helps.

When you click on a case to see more detail, it displays the messages between you and Xero support, the status of your case and when you can expect a response. You can also see which support specialist is looking after your enquiry – along with their photo and a few details about them so you know who you’re talking to. There’s no charge for Xero support no matter how often you contact us. If a website claims to be the Xero support site and offers phone support at a cost, it’s not the official Xero site and is a scam.

We’ll call you, but we don’t publish a phone number

You can also choose to invite Xero support into your practice organisation. With this invite, you give Xero support access to your practice organisation only. This includes payroll in Xero, if your organisation uses this feature. Got a question about signing up, using our product, careers, or a general enquiry?

Our customer experience team is based in eight offices around the globe, meaning we can provide support 24/7. So if you’re raising a case late one evening from Australia, don’t be surprised to hear a British accent on the phone – they’re answering your query during UK office hours. Just let us know the preferred time to call and which country you’re in.

You can provide your phone number, or we’ll ask for it if talking to you direct will help. We do call customers when it helps, but we first make sure that the right person is dealing with your question, and they have all the necessary information. Xero support provides free and unlimited online support as part of your Xero subscription. We don’t offer inbound phone support so we don’t have a telephone number you can call, but we do make calls to help you when needed.

But if you come across a customer support phone number on the web that claims to be the official Xero support number, it’s a scam, and they may try to charge you for help if you call it. Xero doesn’t have a support phone number and doesn’t charge customers for support. When you ask a question, Xero Central suggests relevant support articles powered by machine learning.

If the suggested articles don’t provide the information you’re looking for, you can still contact Xero Support. You told us how important it was to know when to expect a response from our customer experience team, so we provide a real-time estimate of when we’ll be able to get back to you. You can also get help by clicking the question mark in the top right corner inside Xero. It knows what page you’re on in the product and uses machine learning to tell what other customers commonly need help with in that exact spot – and what support articles they found useful. There’s no charge for the support provided by the Xero support team, whether it’s online or contact xero support over the phone.

Just go to Xero Central and, if the support articles don’t answer your question, you can get in touch with your details and ask us to phone you. With Xero you get free online support 24/7 from our customer support team. When you’re looking for answers, start by searching the support articles in Xero Central. If you still have questions, use the Contact Xero Support button at the bottom of any article to raise a case.

Contact Xero for free and unlimited 24/7 customer support

With instant answers and your cases managed by Xero support staff with the right balance of up-to-date accounting, technology and service knowledge, you can expect prompt and helpful answers. You can see the status of each case as it moves from being in the support queue to being with a support specialist, or under investigation. Other statuses include ‘action required’ where we’ve asked for more information from you, and ‘call scheduled’ if a specialist has arranged a time to call you. Then, when your question has a reply, its status changes ‘specialist has replied’. To raise a case, you first need to log into Xero with your Xero credentials. This ensures your conversations and any sensitive information you share are kept private and secure, just as your Xero data is.

Your accountant or bookkeeper may also offer help as part of their services to you. But anyone or any website claiming to be the official Xero support channel and charging for support is acting fraudulently. Many of our customers often go looking for a phone number to call to get support.

When you have a question about Xero, the first place to head to is Xero Central. Simply type your question into the search bar and you’ll see a number of articles come up based on what the search engine knows about you from your Xero account. These support articles are updated and optimised every day by our team of professional writers, and we add new articles for new product features or ‘trending’ issues. So if you think you’ve read one before, take another look because it may have changed.