
Performance Boosting: How Long Do CBD Oil Effects Last?

  • 2024-12-11
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    Results will vary from person to person So these are general guidelines but I get this question enough I wanted to provide the best answer I can.

    Quickest onset 5-10 minutes
    Typically lasts about 2-3 hours
    Highest efficacy (up to 90% is absorbed)

    Onset 30-45 minutes
    On average lasts about 4 hours
    Medium efficacy (average 45%- 55% is absorbed)

    Onset 20-30 minutes
    On average effects are a wide ranges lasting anywhere from 5-10 hours and for some people the effects last all day.
    High efficacy taken sublingually (average up to 75% absorbed)

    Onset average 60-90 minutes
    Lasts about 4-5 hours
    Low efficacy (a lot is undigested and wasted) . CBD OIL REVIEW (india)

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