Scammers are using her image and likeness without her permission This has been going on for a long time Stay away from all of it.
00:00 Google Allowing Oprah Scam Ads in Words With Friends
02:29 Woman Loses Her Business to Scam
03:21 Twitter Allowing Oprah Gummies Scam Ads
04:14 Taboola Removes Oprah Gummies Scam Ads
04:28 Summing It Up Their customer service phone numbers and email addresses are often mysteriously missing from the product order pages, including within terms and conditions documents and privacy policy pages This fake celebrity endorsement is costing people real money when they hand over their credit card information to the companies How Apple Cider Vinegar Can Help You Lose Weight . She never endorsed any of the products The #1 Exercise To Lose Belly Fat (FOR GOOD!) . . . . ? 3 MILE 30 DAY WALKING CHALLENGE | Day 10 #weightloss #fitnessmotivation Alert family and friends Google makes billions of dollars, yet they allow this scam to continue Avoid these scams The better question is, why in the hell has this been allowed for months . It seems like they need to put more money into this sort of thing, but of course that’s unlikely.
I don’t know if this Oprah bullshit is ever going to go away, because again, she never endorsed any “weight loss” gummies for CBD, keto, ACV, none of it.
Stay safe out there ? . . . Oprah has nothing to do with any of it Why are ads about Oprah Winfrey and purported weight loss CBD and apple cider vinegar (ACV) keto gummies and pills showing up in Google Ads on the Play Store for Zynga's Words With Friends They appear to be trying to make it difficult to be contacted.
In this video, I lay out a number of tweets that show a lot of people are noticing these weird Oprah ads in Words With Friends that claim she endorsed “weight loss” CBD or ACV keto gummies, when in reality she never did.
If platforms like Meta, Google, Twitter, and others took their work seriously, they would set up detection systems that would automatically flag new ads that tried to push scams ? Even worse, these CBD and keto gummies companies are difficult to reach . Chia Seeds For Weight Loss | For Online Fitness Coaching WhatsApp me at +919663488580 Really?
This whole thing with Oprah and supposed weight loss CBD or ACV keto gummies or pills in the Google Play Store with games like Words With Friends has been going on for a long time 45 minute fat burning, fun home cardio workout (with modifiers) . . . Many of them are reporting being charged way more money than they were told
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