. A woman of normal weight or a body mass index somewhere between 18-25, these women should gain about 25-35 pounds over the course of the pregnancy . If you have any other questions for me, feel free to ask them on our Facebook page at facebook.com/intermountainmoms and recommend us to your friends and family, too. Walking is totally fine and exercise is good for you while you're pregnant . You mentioned that while trying to lose weight, you actually found out you were pregnant and congratulations on that But as for losing weight from this point forward, you don't want to try to lose weight You just want to try to maintain a healthy weight while you're pregnant . Talk to your doctor when you have your first OB appointment about what appropriate weight gain would be for you HCG Diet: Healthy Option For Weight Loss? . The rise of counterfeit weight loss drugs How to Lose Weight Without Work Out: A 100-Day Challenge | Indian Weight Loss Diet by Richa . . . If you already have been following an exercise routine, ask your doctor about it and they can tell you if it's safe to continue while you're pregnant but in most cases, it is and it's good for you . Again, it totally depends and your doctor can help you decide on a realistic goal for you . ! . HOW TO: Lose Weight Fast While Breastfeeding Safe Natural Diet Pills That Really Work | NO-STIM As far as diet goes, be sure to fill your diet full of lots of whole grains, fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, healthy fats, and cut back on the sweets as much as possible and drink lots of water All of those things will help you maintain a healthy weight and if you haven't been exercising up to this point, you could always start with walking It's all based on your pre-pregnancy weight A woman who's overweight before she should get pregnant might only gain 15-25 pounds and a woman who's obese may only need to gain 10-15 pounds
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